Oh my goodness, I did not realize how long it's been since I've been online! My mother went through some health issues and I spent August through the beginning of November helping her out. She is doing great, by the way...
And now CHRISTmas is almost here! What a blessed time this is for our family!
So, I GOT MY LOOM and Wow is it wonderful!!! I have woven several projects... rugs, dresser cloths and dish cloths. It is SO COOL!!!!! Alas, I am running low on fiber to weave, so I have directed my attention to knitting, with fits of spinning thrown in here and there.
We have no money to buy presents for CHRISTmas, which is hardly anything new. This year I actually got started making presents early. Wahooo! I need to take photos and post here... I will soon!
I have knit some ponchos, hats, scarves and SWEATERS! I actually made myself a sweater from a Family Circle book I found at the library. I also knit my daughter a lovely sweater that she will get for CHRISTmas. She knows about it, though, because I asked her to pick out the yarn. :) I have two more hats to make before Christmas... I hope I can do it!
I got some lovely fiber several months ago from FrogEye Emporium in Winchester. It's a moreno blend, dyed in rustic blues and tans. g*o*r*g*e*o*u*s. I can't wait to make something with it after I am done spinning it! (My spinning is still limited to using a drop spindle until I can save up $$$ to buy a wheel, so it takes a while.) I have actually been working on plying, and so far so good! I got a sample of alpaca fiber from a fellow down the street. It was not carded well at all, so it was pretty hard to work with, but once I got it done, it was beautiful plied! I love alpaca...
Family wise - everyone is doing well. I miss my daughter in Cincinnati so very, very much, but I don't forsee getting to go out there to see her for a while yet. I want to very much. I will definitely go for her birthday... I would like to go before then, though.
Off to have a rather late lunch. Kids are restless... time for a writing assignment!!! Blessings... May the joy of Jesus flood your soul this Christmas season!