
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

If I Am Not Careful...

If I am not careful, the fear that gripped my heart at hearing the election results could wrap itself like chains around my heart...
If I am not careful, the complaints I hear about our economy could control my thinking all day long...
If I am not careful, the cares of the world could run me and ruin me...

I must be careful!

Like I read in DarthKnitter's blog this morning, Some may trust in horses, some may trust in chariots, but I will trust in the name of the LORD! The astronomical number of heart attacks and other stress-related illnesses and injuries is a really big clue that our thinking has gotten us in trouble - as a nation, as a people, as a race. Stress, fear, and depression are without any doubt the largest contributor to ill health and early mortality around us. They are the biggest and most effective weapons that the kingdom of hell has to throw at the human race in order to distract it from God.

We have the capacity to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." I look at Jesus' example: He knew what was going to happen to Him, yet He consistently was the example of grace and mercy and love to all around Him. He didn't walk around depressed, drunk, fearful or neglectful; rather, He witnessed the love of God to all around Him! He fellowshipped with His brothers and with those who were rejected by the masses. He brought joy and hope to all around Him who would receive it. What an awesome example! I have the ability to measure every thought I think to see how much it allows me to live the Kingdom life. If it does not, then I should choose not to allow it any more time in my life!

Jesus is my joy. He is my hope. I trust God with all of my heart, no matter what the world says or does.

I will be careful! I will pray for our new president, that he listens to the voice of God Almighty and develops a personal relationship with Him and breaks ties with any false gods he may have ever known.
I will be careful! I will show the love of God to those around me however I can.
I will be careful! I will pray for the heart of this country to turn back to God without having some horrific act of terrorism instigating it.
I will be careful! I will guard my heart and give thanks to God in every situation, because I ALWAYS have something to thank Him for: His love and my salvation!

I will be careful!

1 comment:

Darth Knitter said...

Excellent post, and a great reminder that we need to guard our thoughts and hearts.

"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Tim 1:7)