Greetings from someone who is feeling FANTASTIC! I have been doing very well ever since "meeting with God" while writing my New Years Eve blog post. Awesome stuff!
Who'd a thunk it! My husband and I have gone vegan. Yep, you read it right - vegan. Truthfully, my husband eats vegan at home and whatever he wants during the day at work, but his at-work eating has improved drastically!!! I, however, have dived in, face-first. I have not only cut out everything that came from something that either had a face or a mother, but most of what I am eating is raw.

What? Did you say that it sounds terribly BORING? Salads, day in and day out? Ah, not so! If you know me, you know I love to cook. Okay, it's mostly "Prepare Food" now. I am not about to get bored. There is so much I can do, and I am stoked. I am also juicing several times a day. My favorite blend so far is carrot, broccoli and apple. Totally delish!
The best thing I am going to do is get better!!! I truly believe that this will be my answer to kicking fibromyalgia and arthritis and depression and high blood pressure to the curb. You heard me - OUTTA THERE!
The sites I am visiting most so far are:
- (Hallelujah Acres)
On the KNITTING front:
I've been a busy little beaver with my knitting and spinning. What a blast! I just finished knitting an Olympic Reindeer Hat. The pattern was on Ravelry (must get the link and post it here - oops). Here's a pic:

The hat took me just a few days. Thank God for that Fair Isle class I took last year!
I now have a favorite designer! :) Tabitha's Heart considers herself a novice designer, but she has come up with some of the most beautiful designs I've had the privelege to knit. I also get to test knit for her once in a while, which is totally bonus! Of late she has been designing items inspired by the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I recently finished her pattern, "Aragorn Scarf," which I made for Patrick. I am working on another one for Jon. Here's a pic of it blocked:

You can see the beautiful pattern moving up the length of the scarf. Totally gorgeous. I am in the process of knitting what started out as a mystery knit-along (KAL) and has now been revealed as a Sargassum Scarf, patterned after some seaweed. (Told you she is talented...) Here's what I have so far, although I must admit I think I will frog it and start over with some more appropriate yarn:

It's the first time I've done any knitting with beads, and I am enjoying it!
There is a new sock book out, and the beautiful thing is that it is a book on CD - computer CD - called "50 Socks for 50 States." It has patterns of socks for each of the 50 states, plus Canada, Mexico, and US Territories. I recently finished a pair of "Two Season Boot Socks" (the sock for Michigan.) I wear them all the time and have started a second pair. Not a great pic, but here they are: (One day I will learn to use SOLID colored yarn for patterns with any motif in them...)

Last, but not least, did I mention here that I got a new spinning wheel? I got my settlement from my car accident, and what didn't go to my recovery went to paying bills and buying me this AMAZING spinning wheel. I haven't named her yet... any suggestions? She's a Mach II by SpinOlution. Love, love, love! Here she is:

and this is some of the yarn I've spun with her:

I passed my old wheel on to a precious friend, and she is spinning away! Now THAT woman spins some *beautiful* yarn!
So that's it for now! Blessings!!!