
Friday, March 12, 2010

The times, they are a'different...

Greetings from someone who is feeling FANTASTIC! I have been doing very well ever since "meeting with God" while writing my New Years Eve blog post. Awesome stuff!

On the HEALTH front:

Who'd a thunk it! My husband and I have gone vegan. Yep, you read it right - vegan. Truthfully, my husband eats vegan at home and whatever he wants during the day at work, but his at-work eating has improved drastically!!! I, however, have dived in, face-first. I have not only cut out everything that came from something that either had a face or a mother, but most of what I am eating is raw.

What? Did you say that it sounds terribly BORING? Salads, day in and day out? Ah, not so! If you know me, you know I love to cook. Okay, it's mostly "Prepare Food" now. I am not about to get bored. There is so much I can do, and I am stoked. I am also juicing several times a day. My favorite blend so far is carrot, broccoli and apple. Totally delish!

The best thing I am going to do is get better!!! I truly believe that this will be my answer to kicking fibromyalgia and arthritis and depression and high blood pressure to the curb. You heard me - OUTTA THERE!

The sites I am visiting most so far are:
  • (Hallelujah Acres)
These are great sites which are all building up databases of vegan recipes. They are also inspiration for me to create recipes of my own to share. That will happen soon enough!

On the KNITTING front:

I've been a busy little beaver with my knitting and spinning. What a blast! I just finished knitting an Olympic Reindeer Hat. The pattern was on Ravelry (must get the link and post it here - oops). Here's a pic:

The hat took me just a few days. Thank God for that Fair Isle class I took last year!

I now have a favorite designer! :) Tabitha's Heart considers herself a novice designer, but she has come up with some of the most beautiful designs I've had the privelege to knit. I also get to test knit for her once in a while, which is totally bonus! Of late she has been designing items inspired by the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I recently finished her pattern, "Aragorn Scarf," which I made for Patrick. I am working on another one for Jon. Here's a pic of it blocked:

You can see the beautiful pattern moving up the length of the scarf. Totally gorgeous. I am in the process of knitting what started out as a mystery knit-along (KAL) and has now been revealed as a Sargassum Scarf, patterned after some seaweed. (Told you she is talented...) Here's what I have so far, although I must admit I think I will frog it and start over with some more appropriate yarn:
It's the first time I've done any knitting with beads, and I am enjoying it!

There is a new sock book out, and the beautiful thing is that it is a book on CD - computer CD - called "50 Socks for 50 States." It has patterns of socks for each of the 50 states, plus Canada, Mexico, and US Territories. I recently finished a pair of "Two Season Boot Socks" (the sock for Michigan.) I wear them all the time and have started a second pair. Not a great pic, but here they are: (One day I will learn to use SOLID colored yarn for patterns with any motif in them...)

Last, but not least, did I mention here that I got a new spinning wheel? I got my settlement from my car accident, and what didn't go to my recovery went to paying bills and buying me this AMAZING spinning wheel. I haven't named her yet... any suggestions? She's a Mach II by SpinOlution. Love, love, love! Here she is:

and this is some of the yarn I've spun with her:

I passed my old wheel on to a precious friend, and she is spinning away! Now THAT woman spins some *beautiful* yarn!

So that's it for now! Blessings!!!

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