
Friday, April 8, 2011

Easter Play at Church

I won't waste our time writing about how much has happened since my last post... ~sigh~

There is much happening right now. Probably at the top of my list is the Easter play at our church. My daughter, Rachel, is directing the play and I am taking care of all of the background stuff... like the stage setting, props, costumes... I am not DOING it all myself, goodness, no! But I am trying to see to getting it done.

The backdrop will consist of 2 scenes. Each scene will be 24' wide. We are painting two 9'x12' cotton dropcloths for each scene, so there are 4 panels total. I have had help from several artists within the church already, and they are coming along beautifully! So far we have 2-1/2 panels done.

In order to make the tomb, my son-in-law, Patrick, built a wonderful frame out of 2x4's. He developed a fantastic hinge system to keep the pieces together, and we will cover them with chicken wire to frame the "rock", then papier mache it. We will also do this for 4 or 5 rocks that the women can sit upon to rest.

Still need to make a cross... I was thinking foam rubber. Since it is a children's play, we will not actually have Jesus up on it, so that makes the foam a viable option. I just have to figure a way to support it so the angels can dance around it...

Costumes are the typical period tunics, with a handful of Roman Soldiers thrown in for good measure :) My husband is helping me with the armament there...

So it's a big project, with a few weeks left. I am totally enjoying myself, and so glad to have the help of my brothers and sisters in the church!!! They are *amazing*! I am looking forward to a fantastic performance, with many coming to know Jesus as a result of it!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you take pics and post them for us to admire your hard work.