
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Feeling Good

What a journey!

This week is starting off at a hefty pace. Yesterday was Stephen's MRI, so that meant we traveled. And traveled. And traveled... Stephen's doctors are at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, DC. We live about 90 miles away, so it can take us anywhere from 1 hour 45 minutes to 4 hours to get there. Yesterday it took 3 hours. The appointment was in the evening, so we had already had a busy day before we even left. We left just after 3PM, but due to crazy traffic issues, we got there a few minutes after the scan was supposed to have started. (I did call them on the way and let them know what was going on.) 

Scan days are hard on Stevie, because he HATES getting shots and IV lines. There is the traveling, which he usually sleeps through, but he also has to have an IV for the contrast administration during the scan. It has been so heartbreaking in the past to deal with this, knowing it is coming, trying to encourage him to not fight it. For the first time, he did REALLY well getting the IV started! This scan was unique in that they did his scan in a machine that had a really neat video system integrated into it, so he watched Pirates of the Caribbean while the scan was running. It is really important to stay perfectly still during this time, and this was the first time he succeeded! We got out of there at about 8:30 and got home around 11.

We will go back next week for follow up with his doctors. 

On a different topic, we started Weight Watchers here this week. It has filled us with excitement, and we are doing well. I have already lost 10 lb, and I think that is because of the sheer volume of water I have been drinking each day. It's really exciting!!! Jon has lost 11 lbs already. That's my baby!!! I will be attending meetings with Rachel on Monday evenings and we are all encouraging each other on this road. We have GOT to get healthier!!! I was excited tonight because my daily points allowance actually went down! WHOOT!!! It did remind me, though, that as I lose weight I need to be sure my thyroid meds are adjusted appropriately. I gained so much weight after surgery and treatment that I am sure I have not been getting enough lately. I have had signs saying so... But I hope to be back down to that weight in a few weeks and look forward to actually having the dose adjusted downward!

It's late. Jon is home, boys are back from Scouts, everybody is in a great mood. I think we are going to go sit together for a while. This is good. 

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