
Thursday, December 25, 2008

So Grateful...

... for my Savior, my Friend, my First Love Jesus Christ
... for His gift to me, named Jon
... for my children and grandchildren and their health and happiness
... for my precious friends
... for dreams and the hope and potential to fulfill them
... for my home and divine provision
... for gifts and talents and the ability to use them
... for the purifying that comes out of each trial

Thank You, Jesus. I cannot imagine what You endured for my sake...
Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Ruth Anne said...

It was so nice to meet you today! You might enjoy my blog. My posts few and far between, as I'm seeking and praying before each post.

Just to mention, did you know that December 25th is the date that the early ROMAN church chose to designate as the birth of Yehushua our Mesheach(Messiah), but it was probably not the ACTUAL time of HIS birth. By actual scriptural reference,His b-day was more likely around the time of Jewish Festival of Sukkot, which is usually in September. The reason that the Roman church chose the date is because it was around the winter solstice and they were trying to draw pagans out of the fields and into church.

I'm SO grateful too for everything that this life has to offer. I told CJ, as we were leaving the group today, that I'm SO thankful for being in Front Royal! Yah, my Heavenly Father, has been mercifully good to me as well!