
Thursday, December 25, 2008

So Grateful...

... for my Savior, my Friend, my First Love Jesus Christ
... for His gift to me, named Jon
... for my children and grandchildren and their health and happiness
... for my precious friends
... for dreams and the hope and potential to fulfill them
... for my home and divine provision
... for gifts and talents and the ability to use them
... for the purifying that comes out of each trial

Thank You, Jesus. I cannot imagine what You endured for my sake...
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dare to Dream?

I read only a few lines of a magazine this morning and I was completely shell shocked. I still haven't read the rest of the article because I've been chewing on this:

"If you feel stifled because you don't have any dreams or goals in life, you're probably living on memories of what you've one in the past. That's no good. Don't give up on life. There is still more for you to do and see. Are you still breathing? Then you still have the potential to dream."
-Voice of the Covenant Magazine, Dec. '08 issue

At one point I know I felt the CALLING of God on my life. I seem to have lost that. That scares me... I know at this point in my life, my calling is to raise God-fearing children in the knowledge of Him. But looking ahead, what do I see? It is blank in this mind of mine, and that has to change.

God, give me vision. I have lived so much in this life so far. I have fought hard, winning some and surrendering others, I know. Now, though, all I seem to have in my head is the battles we've fought in the past few years and I have not been able to rise above that. I don't want the rest of this life to be based on what I'm going through now. I want more. Lord, Help me dream. What do You have for me? What can I do for You?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Colored Leaves are Falling Down

The weather here lately has been absolutely amazing! Fall colors have stormed onto the landscape, and it just makes me feel so warm and peaceful inside. I love the fall, can you tell?

We have had a wonderful fall season so far. For the very first time, the kids and I have participated in a soccer league. I am coaching one of the U8 teams, so Lydia and Stephen are both on my team. (Can you say *challenging*? Who would have thought that my own kids would end up being my biggest challenge when coaching a soccer team for the first time?!) It has been so rewarding, though, and all of the kids are having a blast. Me, too! We have also been taking drives down Skyline Drive to get a breath of fresh air and enjoy the scenery. Cabin fever can come on quickly when you are homeschooling...

I did finish my classroom; did I post that yet? Gosh, I am a pathetic blogger! Having the dedicated classroom space has made a fantastic difference in our homeschooling efforts! WOW!

A big change in our homeschooling style has come about because we have learned that Zack has Asperger Syndrome. His teachers in the public school (back in 2002) told me they were sure he had it, but we were not able to get him evaluated at the time because of Stephen's cancer treatment. Now he is seeing a therapist to help him learn to deal and she says he meets the diagnostic criteria for Asperger's. So I now know that he processes things differently and can gear my own teaching style to his learning style. I have much to learn, but the both of us are happy that we are figuring this out. Yay for us!

On the craft front: I have not tried to do any business in well over a year, so I closed down the website for now. This past year rocked me pretty bad... but I am better and I am crafting again. I learned to knit this year, and have been making all kinds of things! My daughter is expecting a baby (due in March) so I am knitting baby stuff of late. Right now I am knitting a bunny toy, found in the book "Knitted Toys" by Zoe Mellor. I love it!

This past Sunday we took the day of rest very seriously, so I relaxed and spun up about 4 oz of merino wool. It is really pretty! It is still fairly inconsistent, but much better than my last effort. I will use it to make Jon a hat, probably. I really love spinning, and i know it gets better and better each time. It is so fulfilling to make something out of yarn you have spun yourself...

I have started making jewelry again, too. Just a little here and there. I am going to build up an inventory of jewelry and textiles, and just see what I enjoy the most. The beauty of having a "Handcrafts" business is that you are not limited by media!

One last crafty note: I have fallen for podcasts. I have found some through iTunes on spinning, knitting, and weaving and they are like brain candy for me. I want more.... Anyway, one of the benefits i have found through the podcasts is a site called Ravelry ( Since over 200,000 people have registered there before me (!!!) I know it is no big secret, but now I know about it! WooHooooooooooooo! It is like crack for the yarn crafter, let me tell you! Patterns, blogs, forums, contests and challenges, info info info! If you enjoy knitting, corcheting, spinning and don't know about it yet - check it out.

Friday, October 3, 2008

School Is Back in Session!

It makes such an incredible difference having our own classroom! The kids are so much more cooperative wtih their studies now. Wow, what a blessing! We got the classroom and tv areas set up downstairs. We don't get any TV channels, but we do like to watch videos sometimes. All that's left to do down here is to put in the bathroom (which entails busting up concrete to move the toilet - NOT a pleasant undertaking!) and a play area on the other side of the stairs. These last two rennovations will have to wait a while until we finish paying off doctors and hospitals.

Stephen (who now likes to be called Steve...) is doing so very, very well! He does not have to go back to oncology until next June or July, and at that point he will attend a different clinic. This one is not so worried about recurrence of cancer, but they will monitor his growth to look for any effects of the chemo. Not worried! He also sees an orthopedist who is monitoring the curvature in his spine. He has to go back in December because his last xrays showed increased curvature. I think he was just leaning... Anyway, if the increase remains, then she will put him in a brace. I don't think it will be an issue! Steve is doing *great*! You should see him play soccer! Wow!

All of us are doing soccer this year, except Jon (who has to work, of course.) I am coaching one of the U8 teams and I LOVE it! Lydia and Steve are on my team; Danny and Zack are on different teams. We all practice and play at the same times at the same fields, so Wahooooo! No typical soccer mom stress!

Okay, time to get back to kiddies. Thought I should update for a change! Y'all be blessed now, ya hear? :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

I Am Sick of Being Sick!

I don't think I have spent such a huge chunk of my life being sick as I have this winter. With very few breaks during this time, I have been down since Sept/Oct. ENOUGH!!! I know that I have been healed; it is time for my body to get the message!

On the family front, we just got back from visiting my daughter out in Cincinnati. We celebrated her and her twin's 25th birthday. Amazing... We played alot, probably more than we should have, but it was a glorious time.

During this visit, we went to the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum in Kentucky. Wow, what an awesome place! I plan to go again, and this time take every opportunity to sit in front of each display and learn. It was wonderful, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ was presented at every turn. Powerful stuff!

I have had a few new additions to my crafting family this year... One addition is a floor loom (which I have probably already mentioned here.) I have woven rugs and table runners so far, and it is wonderful! The second addition is a spinning wheel. I have wanted one for quite a while, but they are expensive and can take up alot of room. I got a Louet s10, a more modern looking wheel with a really small footprint and double treadles. It came the day before we left for Ohio, so I have only gotten to spin a few ounces of fiber, but it is GREAT!

On the house front, Pat just poured a front step for our porch yesterday. It is lovely. I hired my brother to install the ceiling sheetrock downstairs so I can finally have a dedicated classroom, family room, and game area. I think he is done, but Jon needs to move some stuff so the drywall can be put up around the ductwork. I'm fine with it being left open, but whatever... The point is, I see the light at the end of the tunnel, and for once it is NOT an oncoming train! I hope to have the classroom painted this weekend. ~praying~

Off to do some dishes and get ready for our Easter dinner, which we will hold tomorrow since we were traveling Easter Day. Blessings, y'all!